VAAD direktore K. Lomakina un Uzbekistānas kolēģis S. M. Sultanovs paraksta sadarbības protokolu

From 21 to 25 November 2022, Sultan Mahmud Sultanov, Head of the Department for International Relations, Integration into the World Economic System and Grants of the  Agency of Plant Protection and Quarantine of Uzbekistan, was visiting the State Plant Protection Service as part of the project "Strengthening the phytosanitary system and laboratory capacity for the development of the fruit farming sector in Uzbekistan". During the visit, S. M. Sultanov and K. Lomakina, Director of the State Plant Protection Service, signed a protocol on further exchange of experience in the fields of integrated plant protection, plant quarantine and agrochemistry, based on the agreement signed on 21 April 2021 between the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia and the  Agency of Plant Protection and Quarantine of Uzbekistan.

During the visit, the expert from Uzbekistan was introduced to the Latvian legislative and regulatory framework, in particular for surveys, detection and destruction of host plants for limiting the spread of the quarantine organism endangering fruit trees Erwinia amylovora, which causes fire blight, as well as the compensation mechanism for farms as the basic principles of the good functioning of the system. S. M. Sultanov met with specialists and visited the State Plant Protection Service's National Phytosanitary, National Seed Control and Agrochemical Laboratories, and got acquainted with the work of the inspectors of the Regional Departments of the State Plant Protection Service.

Information was prepared by:

Dace Ūdre

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dace.udre [at]