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Only plant protection products registered in the Register of Plant Protection Products are authorised in Latvia. In accordance with Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, in special circumstances, a Member State may authorise the placing on the market of a plant protection product for a period not exceeding 120 days, where such a measure appears necessary due to a risk which cannot be addressed by other acceptable means. In this case, the plant protection product is not included in the register. The holder of the authorisation shall use the plant protection product in accordance with the indications in the authorisation - only for those crops, against the harmful organisms thereof, at the prescribed dose of use, during the prescribed period of use, taking into account the number of apstrates and the waiting time until harvest.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    • Customer sends documents to pasts@vaad.gov.lv or official electronic address
    • documents must be signed with a secure electronic signature

    • Customer sends documents by mail

    In person
    • customer arrives at the State Plant Protection Service and submits documents

    Documents to be submitted
    • a submission specifying the required use of an unregistered plant protection product, i.e. crop, harmful organism, dose of use, period of use, number of plants during the season and waiting time until harvest
    • justification that authorisation for restricted and controlled use of an unregistered plant protection product is necessary because the crop presents a risk which cannot be prevented by other acceptable means
    • Information:
    - the place of use of the plant protection product and the responsible person
    - the area of the crop to be processed
    - the amount of plant protection product required

    The State Plant Protection Service shall:
    • review the documents submitted;
    • carry out an assessment of the authorisation;
    • take a decision and issue a permit for the restricted and controlled use of an unregistered plant protection product.

  2. Payment for service
    The service is subject to payment of EUR 426,86 or EUR 71,14 (if the authorisation is granted again) in accordance with the invoice of the State Plant Protection Service, issued on the basis of Cabinet Regulation No 493 of 12 July 2012, “Price List of State Plant Protection Service Charge Services”, Annex 2, item 56 or 58 (see section “Other information”). - “Legislation”).

    Service Fee Properties
    Consignee: State Plant Protection Service
    Registration No 90000042982
    Account No. LV47TREL2160320005000
    Bank: Treasury

  3. Receipt of services
    • Customer receives a decision to the specified mail address

    In person
    • customer arrives at the State Plant Protection Service and receives a decision

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