Latvijas un Uzbekistānas ekspertu kopbilde

From 26 to 30 September 2022, experts from the Agrochemical Department of the State Plant Protection Service (SPPS) met with experts from the Uzbek Plant Protection and Quarantine Agency and the Uzbek Agrochemical Station in Tashkent as part of the project "Improving plant protection systems and laboratory capacity to promote food exports in Uzbekistan".

The purpose of the exchange visit is to improve the capacity of the laboratory of the Agrochemical Station of Uzbekistan in the field of soil analysis, as well as to improve the knowledge of Uzbek experts in the development of a database on soil agrochemical properties and the use of results of agrochemical analyses.

The visit included an assessment of the laboratory at the Agrochemical Station of Uzbekistan and recommendations on the necessary equipment and facilities to increase the laboratory's capacity and compliance with ISO standard requirements. The Uzbek colleagues were introduced to the development of the Latvian Soil Agrochemical Research Database, sampling methodology and technical means to be used. During the visit, Latvian experts explained the use of agrochemical analysis results, the prepaaration of field fertilisation plans and the national monitoring system for fertiliser use. The requirements for the registration of fertilisers in Latvia were also explained during the visit.

The project is implemented by the State Plant Protection Srvice in cooperation with the Scientific Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR" and will run from 1 July 2022 to 15 November 2022. The project budget is EUR 59 993,40, consisting of a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.